In June 2022, Vilas Javdekar Developers decided to embark on a transformative journey in Hinjawadi, an area predominantly occupied by IT and working professionals. The backdrop was the aftermath of the pandemic, which left the once-bustling Hinjawadi eerily silent, as offices adopted hybrid and remote working models, and residents temporarily relocated to their hometowns.
At Setu, our primary challenge was to instill belief in Hinjawadi as a location with its untapped growth potential, especially in the post-pandemic scenario. We set out to create numerous touchpoints and engaging films to foster this conviction among our target audience.
With our strategic partnership with Vilas Javdekar Developers as the cornerstone, the project - YASHONE ETERNITEE - was launched. It was a resounding success, not only in terms of sales but also in reinforcing the unique value of our collaboration. This case study showcases how enthusiasm, strategic planning, and a profound belief in Hinjawadi's potential led to a successful launch, reinvigorating the real estate landscape in the post-pandemic era.
- Hoarding
- Site Experience
- AV Content